Saturday, March 2, 2019

Prezcon 2019 Day 5

It is a little strange to think that I have been playing boardgames everyday for for nearly a week.  I am fortunate to have the opportunity to do that.

While playing a game of Puerto Rico yesterday, I was lamenting the fact that I have been learning so many new boardgames over the last couple of years, that I haven't gotten good at the games.  I haven't explored the depths of the games I have learned, because I have only played them a handful of times.  When I attend my company's monthly boardgame days (we actually have them) or gather at friends' houses to game, it is usually introducing new games.  This involves explaining the rules and trying to quickly grasp some of the mechanics in order to play a decent game.  The games also take longer to play because most of the players will have never played.  I would like, instead, to play a fewer number of games and learn more of the intricacies and strategies of play.

Here is a quick list of the games I played yesterday.  I have an early morning History of the World final to run to.

History of the World
Conquest of Paradise
Puerto Rico
Liar's Dice
7 Wonders 
Epic Wizard Duels

Friday, March 1, 2019

Prezcon 2019 Day 4

I know some wonderful and thoughtful people at Prezcon.  Yesterday was my birthday and friends bought me cake.  They presented it during one of the games we were playing, sang, and did everything else associated with an impromptu birthday celebration.  Most of the last several years, my birthday has occurred on Prezcon.  Being able to game has been reward enough as a birthday celebration, but this year's heartfelt birthday wishes warmed my heart.  I am truly blessed.

Day 4 of Prezcon involved more games.  As the week has progressed, the crowds in the tournament area and the open gaming room has increased.  The weekend will hold the biggest crowds.  If you have never been to Prezcon, or haven't been in recent years, and are looking to test it out, I recommend attending Thursday night, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  I did that in 2011, arriving late Thursday when I actually managed to learn and play a game (Columbia Games' War of 1812), and then playing games all day Friday and Saturday.  Attending for the long weekend will give you a good feel for what happens at the convention.

Here are the games I played yesterday.

History of the World:  My second game didn't go as well as my first.  I made some decisions that placed my pieces in the way of other advancing armies and that cost me as the game progressed.

After History of the World, I had some time to swim in the hotel pool and take a dip in the hot tub. That is yet another great thing about Prezcon.

San Juan


Puerto Rico:    I really need to play this game more often.  I hadn't played since last Prezcon and it showed.  I wasn't following a good rhythm in the game, and it helped my opponents.  I get another opportunity to play today.

Conquest of Paradise:  This is a well designed, fun 4x game in Polynesia.  I played a close game where all four players scored enough for a possible victory.  I finished third where the points spread was 24, 23.5, 23, and 22.  I played a little bit too conservatively and that kept me from winning.