Saturday, March 17, 2018

We Are In This Together: Correlian Shipyards

Throughout the Corellian Conflict, as the rebel uprising has come to be called, The Empire's heroes have extended beyond just those piloting starfighters and the crews of captilal ships. Legions of workers, diplomats, and others have done their part to bring the conflict to an end. These people, who give their time and effort selflessly, include workers at the Corellian Shipyards. Since the conflict began, the shipyards have been in constant operation with refits, repairs, and construction. Selfless workers in pipefitter Quaxx Mairen. Quaxx has been working double shifts since the Conflict began.

“I don't see my family hardly, anymore, but I think it's worth it”, Quaxx shared with the Imperial Press Corps. “We are making a difference in the figth to keep people safe and secure. When I get home, and see my daughter sound asleep – safe, and free from rebel chaos, that's when I know what I am doing is right”.

Well said, Quaxx! He and thousands of others at the Corellian Shipyards provide an example to all Imperial citizens. The fight continues, not just on the battlefields above systems, but in the homes of everyone. The fight is won when each of us does our job and contributes our share to the united effort to expel rebels and their chaos.

In other news, Grand Moff Tarkin has been summoned to Corellia. Admiral Sloane has been rotated to Coruscant where she will provide technical leadership at the Imperial Starfighter School of Excellence. The rebel villain Ackbar is rumored to be leading a fleet to Corellia.

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